Additional floor for Primrose Baby Windmill.
A new product has just been released; the Sylvanian Baby bathroom.
This product can be added to The Primrose Baby Windmill and also it can join onto any other parts of The Primrose Baby Windmill
Note: This product does not come with any figures.
The guinea pig family includes Andrew, Peter, Penny and Nicola Pettyfur.
It also includes the guinea pig babies Simon and Lindsay Pettyfur which come with a bed, one each, blue for Simon and pink for Lindsay. They also each come with a bottle.
Each figure comes with a pair of clothes that are removable and can be put on a different figure.
You can buy all of the parts to the playground separately.
Baby Fairground House
It includes a beautiful baby playground with two pretty wendy houses.
Baby Tea Cup Ride
Turn the handle and watch your Sylvanians whirl round and round.
(Two baby sylvanians included)
Baby Ferris Wheel
Turn the handle to rotate the ferris wheel.
Baby Train Play House
The baby train playhouse includes a climbing frame, ladders, slide and a picnic table.
Ella Underwood's personality is still developing but so far she is showing signs of being a great thinker and just loves to sit on the caravan and watch the world go by.
Hugh Underwood has already made his mark on Sylvania and is showing a great interest in construction of buildings.
The Badger Family are known in Sylvania as the Underwoods and includes Father Benjamin Underwood, Mother Beatrix Underwood, Brother Byron Underwood and Sister Bess Underwood.
Benjamin Underwood and his family are wandering Sylvania in their caravan. Benjamin is an expert at mending broken furniture and putting up shelves.
Beatrix Underwood is a very capable badger indeed. Her father had always inspired her with his motoring stories and so from an early age, Beatrix became interested in the mechanics of any vehicle with wheels.
Byron Underwood takes after his grandfather who was the Sylvanian society photographer of his day.
Bess Underwood is known for her striking features, and her beauty is the talk of Sylvania.
Piers and Patrick, Margaret and Andromeda Petite.
The Petites are the Astronomers and the Astrologists of Sylvania.
Freddie and Halley Petite their favourite toy is the mobile of the planets hanging over their cot, the first present from their father Patrick.
All the babies in Sylvania love the Baby Fairground House, a beautiful baby playground with two pretty wendy houses.
The babies love to play in the secret hideout, ride on the swan gondola and cross the wooden bridges.
Turn the handle to watch the babies whirl around inside the tea cups.
The teapot also spins and lifts it’s lid.
All the babies love the Baby Train Playhouse, climbing up the ladder to the, chimney, sliding down the chimney and crawl across the climbing frame!
Make the table move up and down so that the babies can either drive the train or have a little tea party.
Father, Wade Waters is the best house builder and carpenter in the Sylvanian woods. He can build you anything from a tree house to a large family home on the hills of Sylvania.
Mother, Nancy Waters is a great gardener who grows the most beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the whole of Sylvania. She’s famous for her miniature roses and sweet peas.
Brother, Roger Waters is very friendly and sporty, making him so popular that he was voted head-boy of his school, a job he takes very seriously.
Sister, Misty Waters daydreams all the time. Her favorite daydream is of being a famous dancer. She imagines being the principal ballerina in Swan Lake or topping the bill in the theatre production of Cats.
Herb Wildwood, loves to throw parties. He doesn't need a reason, like someone's birthday or anniversary to invite all his family and friends around for a bit of a do!
Ginger Wildwood is a great hostess, famous for her legendary party food and especially for her spicy carrot and lettuce cake.
Rusty Wildwood is very, very musical. He can play most instruments well, but likes the trumpet and electric guitar best because they're loud and brash.
Hollie Wildwood is like her father and just loves parties, her favourite occasions being Christmas and New Year.
Hannah Periwinkle loves having walks in the park, where she watches her sister, Rebecca, being sporty. She is always saying to her mother, Kate: "Please let us go and watch Rebecca play."
Jamie Periwinkle loves sleeping more than anything else, even at meal times. His mother, Kate, is always having to tickle his paws to make him wake up and finish his meal.
The Buttermilk Rabbit family are known in Sylvania as the Periwinkle family.
Alex, the Sylvanian sign writer, has to be incredibly patient when he is working, because one mistake and he has to start all over again. His biggest job to date was preparing the signs and banners for the Brambles Department Store.
Kate helps her husband, Alex, with the design and use of colour in his work as well as looking after the family. She gets very annoyed with Alex because he is always forgetting to change into his old work clothes for work and comes home with different coloured paw prints all over his trousers. This causes lots and lots of washing and ironing which Kate has little time for, being a very busy lady!
Oliver is very good at tennis. When his grandfather, Mack, told him that one day he might become the Sylvanian Open Tennis Champion, he thought that he was joking and said: "You cannot be serious".
Rebecca is an all-round athlete, playing rounders and hockey for the school and tennis with her brother, whom she just loves to beat. She is always hopping from one game to another.
Mack Periwinkle, when he was younger, was the Sylvanian Open Tennis Champion three years on the bounce. He had to give up playing when he got a bunion on his big toe. Now that he is older he coaches his grandson, Oliver, who he expects to be the next champion.
Mabel Periwinkle is an expert at knitting and sewing, making all her own clothes, as well as those for her grand children. She was credited with making Mack the smartest dressed tennis player in Sylvania.
Father, Cliff Babblebrook, has the gift of the gab. He tells the tallest tales you’ve ever heard with the straightest of faces. Everyone agrees that he should have been a second-hand car salesman, rather than a store keeper!
Mother, Crystal Babblebrook, is the best cook in Sylvania, which is very surprising as her mother Pearl was the worst! Crystal has also written a ‘cooking at home’ book which covers everything from how to boil an egg, to how to bake a carrot cake.
Brother, Bubba Babblebrook, has the most amazing sense of hearing. He might be at the far side of the playground but can still hear you open a sweet wrapper and be standing next to you in a flash. His mother teases him by telling everyone he can hear the grass grow!
Sister, Breezy Babblebrook, always likes to have her own way. Her mother, Crystal, thinks that her father, Cliff, spoils her and should be firmer with her when she makes demands. He just shrugs his shoulders and says: “How can you be cross with her when she has such a pretty smile?”
Older brother, Richard Babblebrook, is the strong, silent type who is good at sports and most of his academic subjects, but very, very shy. He wants to be a tree surgeon when he leaves college because it’s a job where he would be working alone in the woods of Sylvania.
Older Sister, Judy Babblebrook, is the most outgoing person you will ever meet! Everyone thinks she should have been called Breezy or Bubbles, names that suit her personality perfectly. She breezes in and bubbles over with gaiety and a zest for life.
Baby, Coral Babblebrook, is really noisy, especially when she is hungry. Hungry for attention, cuddles, a toy or food. Cliff, her father, thinks she could represent Sylvania in the noise Olympics!
Cromwell & Aaron, Sorrel & Willow Cottontail.
The Sylvanian furniture maker and his family.
Father, Rossetti Longfellow Keats, his delicate puff pastry is a special treat. The Pastry Chef extraordinaire, he fills the kitchen with panache and flair. They say he’s a poet with flour and yeast, because those chocolate dainties are a feast.
Mother, Bronte Keats runs the Patisserie like clockwork, hard graft she’s never known to shirk! Efficient she is in every way, she even has time to chat and play. To all her customers she is a friend, to all their whims she does attend.
Brother, T S Eliot Keats, a name no one beats. The longest name of all, a real mouthful to recall. So Bronte has shortened it a lot, from Tennyson Swift to TS Eliot.
Sister, Shelley Keats, the apple of her father’s eye, works with him and makes him sigh. Her artistic flair with just plain dough, can turn a cake into a rich Gateau, and a plum-duffing into a princely plum pudding.
Clare and Dylan Keats, the twins with lots of treats. They are the family tasters, when it comes to food they are no wasters.
If they like the latest recipe or creation, it is bound to be a great success across the nation!
Dash and Dot Kennelworth as you will agree have very strange names. When they are naughty, Montgomery, who used to be a boy scout, calls out to Dorothy, "Dot, Dot, Dot - Dash, Dash, Dash - Dot, Dot, Dot". Which is morse code for S.O.S - help!
Babies come complete with a crib and bottle.
Montgomery Kennelworth really enjoys doing his own decorating. He fully enjoys the boring bits, like sanding down the woodwork and stripping off the old wallpaper.
Dorothy Kennelworth is a workaholic and loves to help Montgomery. If she's not doing this she's doing that. In fact she seems to be doing 101 things all at the same time.
Clara Kennelworth is altogether more serious. She loves doing crosswords and lots of different competitions. But most of all, her favourite is the "Sylvanian Spot the Difference" competition in the local paper.
Rufus Kennelworth is an easy-going, fun loving little boy. As everything seems so simple to him; his father says that: "He sees everything in black and white".
Mayor Bill Waddlington likes to get things done and hates what he calls 'time wasting'. He's always in a rush and is often heard to say 'Life is for doing not watching!' He's very proud of his mayoral chain of office, which he is rumoured to wear to bed.
Mayoress Wanda Waddlington runs the Sylvanian delivery service called 'Flyte Path' whose motto is 'One ring and we are on the wing'. She's and excellent businesswoman, and although she doesn't rush about as much as her husband, she seems to get much more done!
Quilller Waddlington is a very serious little boy who thinks deeply!
Sebastian Waddlington is just like his father, always in a hurry, organising this and that and telling everyone what to do!
Jemima Waddlington is a dreamer who lives in a little world all of her own!
Slick Slydale is a mine of information and very clever. He'll know the answer to any question you ask him.
Velvette Slydale is always on the lookout for a bargain. She has been known to travel for miles and miles and queue for hours and hours just for the spring sales.
Skitter Slydale is always on the go, but like his older brother, he is a bit naughty. His favourite trick is to run off with his baby sister's toys.
Scarlet Slydale spends hours brushing her tail and is very proud of its glossy, healthy condition.
Ramsey Nettlefield never, ever rushes. He likes to think long and hard before starting anything. His wife sayes that his favourite word is 'But'. But it's too early', 'But it's too late'; any excuse will do.
Caprina Nettlefield is always very busy doing the jobs that her husband, Ramsey, has not done. When she is grumbling at him, she has to make sure her children, William and Nanette are not eating her outo of house and home!
William and Nanette Nettlefield known as Billy and Nanny, will eat almost anything, although their favourites are Brussels sprouts and spinach. They even ate flowers that their father, Ramsey, bought as a surprise for their mother, Caprina.
The Hamster Family are otherwise known in Sylvania as the Hamilton Family.
Huckleberry Hamilton is the blacksmith. He enjoys nothing better than hammering the shoes for the Sylvanian ponies into shape on his anvil. The only drawback is that he gets very hot in the process!
Hilda Hamilton is the riding instructor. She is very lucky in that whenever any of the ponies throw a shoe, she can lead them straight toher husband who carries out the necessary repair.
George Hamilton is officially the apprentice blacksmith, but he'd much rather join Douglas Furbanks in his latest stage production. His dream is to one day play the male lead.
Jane Hamilton is very hard working and helps her mother, Hilda, at the riding school, brushing and cleaning to earn some pocket money. She also loves to help Captain Seadog on the Canal Boat, but does this free of charge, as she has so much fun!
The Hedgehog family are known in Sylvania as the Periwinkle family.
Alex, the Sylvanian sign writer, has to be incredibly patient when he is working, because one mistake and he has to start all over again. His biggest job to date was preparing the signs and banners for the Brambles Department Store.
Kate helps her husband, Alex, with the design and use of colour in his work as well as looking after the family. She gets very annoyed with Alex because he is always forgetting to change into his old work clothes for work and comes home with different coloured paw prints all over his trousers. This causes lots and lots of washing and ironing which Kate has little time for, being a very busy lady!
Oliver is very good at tennis. When his grandfather, Mack, told him that one day he might become the Sylvanian Open Tennis Champion, he thought that he was joking and said: "You cannot be serious."
Rebecca is an all-round athlete, playing rounders and hockey for the school and tennis with her brother, whom she just loves to beat. She is always hopping from one game to another.
Maurice Marmalade is an old fuddy duddy. He's incredibly fussy and makes sure that everything is neat and tidy. "A place for everything and everything in its place," is his motto.
Margot Marmalade believes in keeping up appearances. She even has a special voice for answering the telephone!
Oscar Marmalade loves all sports, especially any games where he can get dirty! His father is always telling him off about his appearance, but his sister, Ottilee, wishes that she could join in the games too!
Ottilee Marmalade is a tomboy who wants to be a firefighter when she grows up. She loves to practise her firefighting skills with the garden hose, but won't water the flowers when her mother asks her!
Grandfather Quincy Marmalade never seems to sit down – especially when his granddaughter Ottilee is around! Ottilee is always dragging him off to play firefighters and getting him all muddy and wet!
Grandmother Clementine Marmalade is a wonderful Granny. She makes the best blackberry and apple pies you’ve ever tasted.
Arabelle & Aristotle, Winky, Grumpy & Blinky Treefellow.
The Treefellows are the Sylvanian schoolteachers.
Father Louis de Burg runs a specialist catering company providing all your needs, be it a wedding party, anniversary celebration or a large summer picnic for the whole of Sylvania. Always smartly dressed, very deferential, politely spoken, he makes ever customer feel special.
Mother Perma de Burg is the maitradee in the family catering business, taking the bookings and ensuring the customers enjoy their meal. She also writes out all the menus by hand in the most beautiful flowing script. She is a very busy lady running the business and the family home.
Brother Frost de Burg is the waiter in the family business, when he is not working hard at school or playing football with his friends. He is very good at waiting tables and all the customers love him. He is very nippy around the tables with his arms full of plates, rushing back and forth.
Sister Storm de Burg is top of her class at mathematics, lucky, because she runs the company accounts in her spare time after school. All her column entries in perfect straight lines, every column balancing to the penny, her accounts are a work of art.
Twin babies, sister Snow and brother Blue de Burg love ice-cream, they have not decided which is their favourite flavour yet, so they have to work through the hundreds of different flavours again and again!
Buck & Cameron, Rowena & Juniper Moss.
They write and edit the local newspaper the 'Forest Telegraph'.
Ewan Dale is in charge of the Sylvanian orchards, keeping the grass short and the place tidy. He is very proud of his Victoria plums and crisp, crunchy Cox’s pippins but has no time at all for most of the modern varieties.
Barbara Dale is the real family expert on fruit trees of every kind. Her busiest times are late autumn and early spring, when she is in the orchard, pruning and re-shaping all the fruit trees and checking for any problems, very late into the evening.
Winton Dale loves helping his mother and father in the orchard. His favourite job is looking after the bonfire but before he can do this, he has to rake up all the fallen leaves and twigs which he finds a bit boring and doesn’t particularly enjoy. However, he is always very thorough, as he knows that the more he collects, the bigger the bonfire will be!
Iona Dale has been given the very important job of collecting and sorting all the different types of fruit. She much prefers this part-time job than going to school, because she can chew to her heart’s content, without any teacher telling her that it is not allowed!
All the Sylvanians love to travel aboard the traditional pony-drawn Caravan. The Caravan opens out to reveal lots of exciting features, including over 50 pieces, and a real working lantern!
Set includes: Bramble the Pony, freewheeling caravan, two fold away bunk beds, trap door storage, detachable & adjustable ladder which can be stored neatly on the side of the Caravan, hanging flower baskets, fold away toilet & toilet accessories, bucket, brush, comb, two sleeping bags, table & chairs, pots, pans, cutlery, cups, plates, kitchen accessories and lots of goodies for the journey.
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Nutmeg is sweetness and light. So good-natured, she's never bad tempered or tetchy. She will put up with anything and everything, even allowing the children from Primrose Nursery to play with her!
The Pony & Trap includes a Marquee & Picnic Set so that all the Sylvanians can enjoy a trip out in the countryside on the Trap and then have a great picnic with all their Sylvanian friends.
The Marquee transforms into a canopy for the Trap and the picnic table and accessories can be stored away neatly inside the Trap.
Set includes: Ivy the Pony, freewheeling trap, marquee, picnic table, two picnic benches, bucket, brush, comb, harness, picnic hamper & rug, napkins, plates, jug and over 15 scrumptious picnic goodies!
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Ivy just loves pulling the Trap, racing along as fast as she can go because she's always in a hurry. Some of the Sylvanians tell her to slow down as going so fast is very scary but she knows that secretly a lot of them find it very exciting!
Holly lives in the Stable and just loves being pampered. She insists on being brushed and thoroughly groomed before leaving the stable each morning, and on special occasions even has her mane plaited.
Set includes: Holly the Pony, sable, feeding trough, adjustable show jumping fence, riding saddle, reins, bucket, brush, comb and four tools to muck out the stable.
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Strawberry spends most of her time in the stable as she is so timid and shy.
Everyone says 'she's the sweetest little thing I've ever seen', which makes her blush, and that's how she got her name!
Every night at six o’clock baby Donna and her mother Audrey Butterglove ‘con’ the bathroom for an hour. This is their special time together, girl time, bath time, a time for talking, giggling and play as well as a time for soap and shampoo.
In her little baby bath, full of her favourite toys Donna holds court with her tale of her days adventure while mother gently cleans away the tell tale signs of that busy day.